1067 PacificPeople (2013-2017) was a five-year social-ecological movement-based art project by artist and choreographer Andrea Haenggi in collaboration with writer Robert Neuwirth in Crown Heights, Brooklyn .https://1067pacificpeople.nyc/
Carrie Ahern joined in early 2014 as a collaborator and co-producer of events including The Pop-Up Gesture Store; Pickpocket Dance Party, Decompose Workshop; Ur-love Letter video projects ; The Environmental Performance Agency and others over the course of her 4 year involvement.
These multi-faceted performative events, open to street passerby and neighborhood interaction, often questioned our individual and collective sense of currency and value.

We don’t sell objects. We sell experiences.
We created the gesture economy, a currency based on human connectedness, compassion, presence and paying attention.
Carrie Ahern created “gestures” or mini-performances for every iteration of Pop-Up Gesture Store —including As American as Apple Pie, Composing Decay, Swaddling, Xenia Redux, Free Beach, OBJECT FLESH, and Government Avatar
Carrie’s “Swaddling” gesture for customer Julian at “The Pop-up Gesture Store”
Julian’s Pop-up Gesture Store payment for Carrie’s “Swaddling” gesture was a “contagious laughter circle”

PICKPOCKET is a dance performance and DJ party . PICKPOCKET plays with the power of intimacy, physicality and presence between the performers and the party guests. It invites everyone to become an ‘outlaw body’ by joining the Pickpocket Academy; to learn a ‘pickpocket tutorial’ to generate the possibility for new currency awareness. It questions our relationship to power, money, intimacy, transaction and desire.
Andrea Haenggi (Catalyst/Choreography/Performer/Installation)
Carrie Ahern (Choreography/Performer)
and with DJ Darryl Hell www.s6k.com/djhell
with invited guest dancer Natália Koehler Karam

In 2017 Carrie Ahern was a collaborator in the nascent stages of The Environmental Performance Agency.
The Environmental Performance Agency was founded in the winter of 2017, partly in response to the presidential election and the ongoing dismantling of the US Environmental Protection Agency by artists Catherine Grau, Ellie Irons, Andrea Haenggi and Christopher Kennedy.
During the 2017 growing season, the EPA headquarters was housed at 1067 PacificPeople in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. 1067 PacificPeople was a five-year social-ecological movement-based art project by artist and choreographer Andrea Haenggi in collaboration with writer Robert Neuwirth. During that time, the EPA used 1067 Pacific Street as a hub for site-specific movement workshops, biocultural experiments, field work, and interdisciplinary art projects that explore new ways of thinking about NYC’s urban ecologies, plant-human relationships, and to advocate for the agency of all living performers co-creating our environment, native or migrant.
The EPA is now a nomadic collective that responds site-specifically to urban ecologies around the region.

Carrie Ahern’s score “Rhizomatic Dreaming” performed at 1067 PacificPeople (following images) in summer 2017.
Her “weedy scores” were exhibited at the Schuylkill Center, Philadelphia (Sept 2017) and Transformer Gallery, DC (May/June 2018) as part of the EPA exhibits.